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DIY With Help

Helpers working hard with some beautiful wildflowers

People of all means and abilities should have the opportunity to participate in restorative landscaping. Some of our clients hire independent landscaping crews to install our designs, and some DIY their projects. In the spirit of village barn-raising, we also have an affordable installation option called “DIY with Help.”

We maintain a network of independent helpers who are passionate about ecological landscaping, and who regularly partner with us to help our clients transform their landscapes. On any given day, this allows us to rally a group of people who love the land; together, we can get a lot of work done quickly.

The helpers are not employees or subcontractors of RLD; the clients pay them directly and sign separate agreements with them. But usually, the clients and RLD are present with the helpers, guiding and working alongside them.

What we love about DIY With Help:

  • The work days are quite enjoyable, full of people who want to be there. The helpers get to learn new skills, and often make new friends. Sometimes clients get their friends, community, or kids involved in the planting too, and/or put out snacks and drinks. The clients get to put their sweat and/or love into the garden and have a more personal relationship with it. 
  • It’s affordable for the clients, because RLD’s overhead is low; we don’t upcharge for labor or materials. We also pass those savings on to the helpers, who get paid a living wage of $25/hr
  • RLD can refer helpers to clients for the kinds of work that we don’t do, like weeding. This helps independent gardeners/handymen/arborists/etc get new clients, and helps our clients find quality affordable help.
Taking a break during a “DIY with Help” project

How does it work?

  • Helpers volunteer for the days when they want to work. RLD organizes who is coming to each work day, and sets the general rate at $25/hour. (First-time helpers are $20/hr, and skilled specialists pick their own rates.) 
  • On site, we teach the helpers any basic skills that they need (e.g. how to plant xeric perennials, dig swales, or install drip irrigation). We also encourage the helpers to be creative, make suggestions, and have fun. Often we arrange the new plants as a group, with each person applying their own creativity under Eryn’s (or one of her apprentice’s) guidance.
  • The helpers bring their own tools. (RLD can occasionally loan tools.)
  • Clients pay the helpers directly (via cash/check/venmo/paypal/zelle) after each work day.  
  • We keep work days short – 4-6 hours on average – in order to be kind to our bodies. Everyone is encouraged to take care of themselves, take breaks or rotate tasks when needed, etc..
  • If clients aren’t easefully able to help plant or dig, they can help with creative, spiritual, or social aspects of the process. For example, clients can help arrange the plants; bring cold drinks and greet the helpers; or play us guitar while we work. We had one client who said a blessing and buried a crystal, seaweed, and salt under each new plant as it went into the ground, then drummed over the garden after it was finished; that was an amazing experience. The point is for the client to get involved in a way that fits their passions and abilities. 

What about liability? 

  • Helpers and clients sign an agreement that includes a liability waiver. We have an agreement we bring to each project, but helpers and/or clients are welcome to come up with their own contracts if they wish.
  • The helpers are not covered by RLD’s insurance, so they only do simple tasks with low stakes. For more complex work (e.g. sprinkler repair or professional paths), we install in-house with only members of the RLD team who are fully trained and fully covered by liability insurance. 

I am interested in joining the helper network!

Celebrating with the homeowners after a project completion!



Restorative Landscape Design

Using native plants and permaculture principals in the Front Range of Colorado


Eryn Joy Murphy
restorative landscape designer, educator

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